How to Make Your Move Stress-Free: 10 Easy Tips

It seems like so many people are moving right now. In the last month, more than a quarter of our projects have been moving related – decluttering and packing up or unpacking and organizing.

The reality is, no one likes moving. It takes time and it’s a lot of work. So we’ve outlined a few simple strategies to make your next move seamless…

1. Declutter as you go.

We cannot stress this one enough, especially if you are downsizing. Moving is a great time to tackle that decluttering project you’ve never made time for. Instead of carelessly throwing everything you own into boxes, start the packing process early (a month or two before your move date) so you have time to consider what you’re bringing and what can be left behind, sold or donated.
Some moving companies charge you by weight, so check with them first. If they do, it may give you move of an incentive to declutter now.

organizers decluttering the kitchen before a m ove

2. Start with the areas you use the least.

Eventually, everything will need to go in a box. So you might as well get started packing early with the spaces you access the least. Think the top shelf of cabinets and closets, the back corners of the pantry and deep storage that you may only access seasonally – like the holiday dish-ware hiding in the hutch. If you’re not going to use these things in the next month, first declutter, then get to packing.

3. Use more small and medium sized boxes.

When you’re moving an entire home, it may seem like the right idea to get a bunch of large and extra large boxes. The issue is they become too heavy and difficult to move around. It’s best to get small and medium sized boxes more than anything else. We’ve found this moving calculator a great resource to determine how many boxes you’ll need for your move. Label what’s in the boxes and what room they should go into. This will save your back and the movers’ time.

Clothes organized

4. Towels work as great cushioning.

Instead of packing all your towels into the same box, keep those handy to add to the top and bottom of boxes that have extra room or need a little extra padding. The same goes for throw blankets!

5. Pack a suitcase for a few days.

This is especially important if you are using a moving company. Pack a bag with toiletries, a few outfits, medicine, and other essentials on the chance there are mishaps with the moving truck.

6. Pack a clear bin with things you’ll need first.

Think: a box cutter, trash bags, hand soap, paper towels, toilet paper, phone chargers, and a portable speaker. Trust us: moving in is a lot more fun with music! The clear bin helps differentiate this from all the cardboard boxes, making it super easy to locate.

7. When dismantling a mounted TV or other furniture, keep Ziploc bags handy.

For any loose parts or pieces, put them in a Ziploc bag, label it (masking tape works great for this), and tape it directly onto that piece of furniture. No headaches when you know you have all the pieces you need for reassembly.

8. Keep your hanging clothes on hangers and use a trash bag for easy transport.

Simply wrap the trash bag around the bottom of your hanging clothes and tie closed just under the hanger. Transport as is or pop them into a wardrobe box.

9. Change your address a few weeks before moving.

Follow the instructions on the USPS website to change your address. This ensures your mail arrive at your new address when you do.

10. Hire a team of professionals.

If you can’t or don’t want to do it all yourself, hire a team of professionals. Did you know we offer packing, unpacking and organizing services? Reach out today so we can plan for your move.